New Gates Underway!
April 9, 2018
Happy 96th Gordon Setran!!
June 3, 2018As you know, the LACSD has started the project of replacing the North Bay Intake system that pumps water to the treatment plant at the top of Peninsula Drive. This system pumps all the water that Lake Arrowhead home owners use through out the year. The pumps are located at Hamiltair’s Beach area and the project started after Labor Day Weekend. The Board thought we should send out some pictures of the work being done on the project, to keep you all informed.
Be be sure to scroll to the bottom to see the latest pictures! This link is updated daily and you can come back anytime and see more progress. Keep this email for the link. It is a Live Photo sharing link that will keep you up to date on this project!
Click the the link and you will be taken to a site to view the photos I have taken during the project.